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Saturday, September 11, 2010

My hobby

I have alot of stuff I like to do like jump on my trampoline or go swimming
but the main thing I like to do the most is drive my nitro powered RC car.
It goes about 40 mph and is a buggy. I've been interested in this stuff for about
a year and a half now. There really fun,but I started off with an electric car. If you think this stuff is cool
go down to the bottom of this page and TRAXXAS, gravesrc, and crazybuilders are some websites that I think is useful for this stuff. TRAXXAS, is the car company I got my electric car. Oh, I almost forgot, nitrorcx is also a great website.


Click here for a video of my Nitro powered RC car

Hot Videos

My Favorite videos
Here, I'll post some of my favorite videos i find on the internet and email me some videos you have or like at tcasella@me.com and maybe yours will end up on my blog!


Whats so Victorious about this show?
I recently voted on the new nickelodeon show "Victorious".
I'm not extremely impressed with it but its OK to watch sometimes.
Personally I'd rather watch sponge bob all day! If I were to vote it on a scale of 1 to 10 I would give it a 7. I don't really think its funny and the episodes are very boring, but thats me.


Click here to see the Victorious website


Hi, and welcome to casellaocity!
My name is Tommy and I will be your host today.
Here you will be fed the most hottest juciest gosip there is!
So check back as much as you can!
